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If you would like to start a TYARC Chapter, it will be easier than you may believe.  The first step is to create your club in whatever legal structure you choose.  It cannot use the name Texas Youth Amateur Radio Club or any variation thereof. Pick a name you like, such as Dallas Youth Amateur Radio Club, and then affiliate with TYARC. That way your club is yours and you can simply note that it is an affiliated Club with TYARC. For example, it could be something like "Hill Country Amateur Radio Club," then include in your letterhead and/or logo the phrase "an affiliate of the Texas Youth Amateur Radio Club."  Another option would be something that includes designation as a "Chapter" such as "Amarillo Youth ARC," with  "Amarillo Chapter TYARC" in your logo/letterhead.  There are several ways to promote your club's affiliation as a TYARC Chapter and all chapters must display this affiliation somewhere in their logo, letterhead and website.  The purpose of having your club as a stand-alone club is to protect your group and it's investment in the event you decide not to remain an affiliate of the TYARC.  We hope you will and we seriously doubt any chapter clubs will leave, but if it does happen, we want your group to be able to continue to enjoy your club activities without interruption.

TYARC is an unincorporated association that will seek IRS designation a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization.  If granted, this will allow people and companies to donate money or equipment and take a tax deduction. This may be an option that you want to consider.

Clubs that are affiliated with TYARC will become Chapters and they must agree to follow the policies and procedures of TYARC to remain an affiliated Chapter. Your club will set its own dues structure, with $5 going to the TYARC New Club Fund. This money will be used to aid the creation of new clubs by helping off-set all or part of the cost of repeater and related equipment.

TYARC will start accepting affiliation applications in the coming weeks. Check the Club website frequently.